Eyelid Diseases

Eyelid diseases seem very simple, but when left untreated, they can cause serious problems.


It is an inflammation of the glands in the eyelid. It causes pain, redness and swelling in the eyelid. If not treated in the early period, these swellings can turn into permanent cysts. At first, drug treatment, injection into the cyst in more advanced stages, and in cases where these are not sufficient, surgical removal of the cyst is performed.


It is often confused with chalazion. It is an inflammation of the follicles at the base of the eyelashes.

Redness, tenderness and swelling occur at the edge of the eyelid. Hot compresses and drug therapy are applied.


It is an infection found at the base of the eyelashes. They usually cause stinging sensation and pain in the eyelid. There may be swelling and redness of the lids. If left untreated, it can cause conjunctival and corneal infections. In the treatment, the eyelids are cleaned, antibiotic drug treatment is applied. Artificial tear drops are also given, as there is usually a decrease in the quality of the tears.


With a general definition, it can be said that the eyelashes and the lid turn inwards. Corneal irritations may occur due to the inversion of the lids. Although drug therapy can be applied to save time in treatment, the main treatment is surgery.


It is the outward turning of the eyelid, which is accompanied by watering. Although there are different reasons, the solution is surgical treatment.


It is the drooping of the eyelids. Although congenital (congenital) ones make a large part of it, most of them occur due to the separation of the retaining tissues (aponuros) due to factors such as trauma and old age. Systemic diseases can also be seen after facial paralysis. Its treatment is surgery. Since the ptosis system can be a symptom of a disease, general body scans should also be done carefully. Since it can cause lazy eye in children, it should be treated as early as possible.